Alcohol Can Affect Your Oral Health: Here’s What To Do About It

Alcohol can have a negative impact on your dental health. Here are some ideas on how to minimise the harmful…

Happy New Year!

Happy Boxing Day Everyone!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Modern Braces vs. Traditional Braces

Today’s braces have come a long way since old-fashioned metal ‘train track’ braces: – Tooth-coloured braces are now available as…

Why Red Wine Stains Teeth

Discoloured or stained teeth can have a number of causes but one of the biggest culprits is red wine. It…

White Spots from Dental Fluorosis

White spots, marks or streaks on the teeth can be traced back to childhood and dental fluorosis. Dental fluorosis affects…

Happy Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Feasting When the Halloween pumpkins are gone,And the leaves have all fallen to ground,When the air has turned windy…

Why Are You Avoiding the Dentist?

Many people who do not experience any dental symptoms do not bother seeing the dentist; however, preventative care could actually…

What are the Most Common Causes of a Toothache?

Over time, our teeth endure a significant amount of wear and tear. This can often lead to painful issues such…