Why Are My Gums Receding?

A receding gum line happens when the gums pull back from the teeth to expose tooth roots. Your dentist will…

Antibiotics Doing More Harm than Good?

Although antibiotics are necessary for combating certain dental and medical problems, they can be overused and have a negative rather…

Why Am I Having Tightness in My Jaw?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the complex jaw joint that allows the jaw to chew, speak, open and close. When…

Happy Children at Poppins Nurseries!

Our team visited this nursery a few weeks ago. Here’s a nice note we received: Good Morning, I just wanted…

Am I Suitable for an Implant-Supported Bridge?

An implant-supported bridge is a permanent solution for a row of missing teeth. The bridge is supported by dental implants…

Why Choose a Paediatric Dentist for Your Child?

It is natural for a child to fear a dental appointment; particularly if they do not understand why it is…

Does My Child Need a Custom-fit Mouthguard for Sport?

Teeth can get damaged during sport so it’s wise to wear a mouthguard for protection. A custom-fit mouthguard provided by…

When Might a Bump in the Mouth be Dangerous?

While most little bumps in the mouth are of little concern, there are rare instances when they could indicate a…

Why Teeth Start Turning Yellow in Color

As people get older their teeth can start to look yellow. From the food we eat to genetics, there are…

Is Baby Vomiting When Teething?

Any parent would be concerned about their baby vomiting, but they may think it’s a symptom of teething. Thanks to…