Introducing brand new log-in feature for patients and dentists

We are delighted to announce the new log-in feature added to our system, making it so much more convenient for patients to access our services.

When you register with us, you will be given an ID number. Simply click on this link and you will be directed to the log-in area.

Enter the unique ID number and your birthdate (without spaces) and then you can access your Patients Booking section. There are 5 main functions:

  • My Appointments
  • Private Referrals
  • Medical History
  • Patient Consent Form
  • Questionnaire

In “My Appointments”, you will be able to check your next and previous appointments. At any time, you can amend or request the cancellation of your appointment online.

In “Private Referrals”, there is a form for patients to request a private orthodontic consultation appointment. When you are on this page, simply enter your contact details and who you recommend, and then you can get £100 off your next appointment.

In the “Medical History” section, you can access your own medical history. This section is highly secure and only you with your unique code can access this data.

In “Patient Consent Form”, if you haven’t filled in the form on your first visit with us, you can download and return this form the next time you are back to see us.

We love our patients and strive to improve our quality of service every day. We welcome all feedback from our patients from our customer service to new books for our children’s play area – simply click on “Questionnaire” and let us know how we can further improve your experience with us.

For the Dentists’ section, please contact our practice manager Katie Fejer by email at or ring at 0207 368 6611 for further information.