We understand that having braces at a later stage in life can seem quite daunting and leave you feeling apprehensive. That’s why at Moira Wong Orthodontics, we take the time to listen and address any concerns that you might have to ensure you feel 100% comfortable before proceeding.
A recent patient of Moira Wong Orthodontics has left a very kind review of his experience on Trustpilot, one of the leading review websites which allows you to rate companies and services based on your experience. Have your say about your experience of Moira Wong Orthodontics here!
Apprehension turned into confidence:
I have experienced Orthodontics from two sides, firstly, as a parent, almost 8 years ago my youngest daughter attended the clinic. When my new dentist suggested that I really needed to re-align my teeth to improve my bite. I had no hesitation in choosing Dr. Moira Wong’s practice. I was apprehensive at first and questioned the necessity of the treatment at my age (58). I was concerned about how I would look to my friends and family. No one ever questions the need to wear glasses, but braces, at my age? I was apprehensive.
After visiting Dr. Wong for a consultation, she put my mind at ease and explained the process and helped me realise that if I wanted to keep my teeth healthy through my life, then the treatment was 100% beneficial. Two years on, I can truthfully say, that I am glad I took that giant leap of faith. Yes, I got the occasional quizzical stare from a shop assistant, but my family and friends and work colleagues have all been supportive. Many people have said, that they, as adults, had braces and you won’t regret it, nobody has ever said I wish I hadn’t.
Prior to the work I was very conscious of the look of my teeth and knew that I struggled with my chewing of foods. After all the work, I can now confidently smile and eating is now more of a pleasure than a chore. It has all been down to the skills of Dr Wong, the process and intricate movements and alignment of all my teeth has been fascinating to see. Each visit, minor adjustments are made and each step is carefully explained so that I understood what was happening and why. The team all made me feel special and are very enthusiastic and supportive.
When my braces were removed they were more pleased than I was. They were so happy at seeing the results of all their hard work and it helps show how committed and professional they all are.
I am now more confident with my smile and I don’t regret having the work done, and I am especially happy to have chosen Dr Moira Wong’s practice.
– Steve Jackson